About us
- German Association of Sports Museums, Sport Archives and Sports Collections“
Since its establishment in 2003, the DAGS unifies people and establishments whose goal it is to conserve cultural assets of sports in different ways. Its functions range from collecting, documenting, investigating and presenting historical artifacts and information of and about German sports. It is the DAGS’s goal to present the cultural value of sports museums, archives and collections to society. Through information and cooperation of its members, the association aims to create long lasting synergetic effects which aid in completing the various tasks associated with the conception and development of sports historical archives and collections, as well as the maintenance of the corresponding museums. The DAGS is constantly looking for new partners - sports associations, clubs and archives, educational institutions and self-evidently sports historians to achieve their goals. By mediating between different partners, sports historical collections which are in danger of being lost can be saved and transferred to museums. Furthermore, the DAGS provides consultation in correct archiving and assists in obtaining and preserving transcribed sports history. By use of these methods, the historical archives of the German Gymnastics Association (Deutscher-Turnerbund [DTB]), the National Paralympic Committee of Germany (Deutscher Behindertensportverband [DBS]) and the German University Sports Federation (Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband [adh]) could be evaluated, secured and partially transferred to public archives.
- International scientific symposiums are carried out and publicized by the DAGS to inform and communicate with their members and offer the opportunity to exchange experiences gathered in the field. In the past years these were
- Frank Dürr, Karl Lennartz (Hg.): Olympische Spiele – Historytelling. Köln 2012 (Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportmuseen, Sportarchive und Sportsammlungen e.V. Bd. 5).
- Martin Ehlers, Markus Friedrich, Stefan Grus (Hg.): Sportgeschichte vernetzt. Jubiläumssymposium der DAGS und des Instituts für Sportgeschichte Baden-Württemberg e.V. 2013 im Kloster Maulbronn. Hildesheim 2014.
- Manuela Dietz, Michael Thomas, Josef Ulfkotte: Sportgeschichte mitten in Deutschland. Sammeln – Erforschen – Zeigen. 7. DAGS-Symposium in Zusammenarbeit mit der Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft 2014 in Freyburg (Unstrut). Hildesheim 2015.
- The DAGS currently has around 65 members and is headquartered in Hamburg.
- Contact
- Chairman:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Krüger
- Arbeitsbereich Sportpädagogik & Sportgeschichte am Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität zu Münster
- 48149 Münster, Horstmarer Landweg 62b
- Tel.: 0251 8332360
- http://www.uni-muenster.de/Sportwissenschaft/Paedagogik/index.html